Capturing national park portraits can be so much fun. It allows you to work with themed props and outfits and even throw in a bit of travel. A simple portrait can be made so much better by the fantastic backdrops that national parks have to offer. By following a bit of my own adventure, you can learn a little bit more about capturing national park portraits.

When I traveled to Yellowstone National Park, I had several other photographers accompany me who could stand in as models for my portraits. We also had several props that the models could use to better add to the theme. Not everyone got a prop, but in some cases, they weren’t too necessary. The area alone was beautiful and gave plenty to the shot. The photo shoot was fun, and I am super happy with how some of my photos turned out.

With some of the portraits I captured, I used speed lights. This would illuminate the subject without having to lighten the background. When you want to keep the detail of your background, a Speedlight is a great tool to have. I used this in my three photos of mountain men. Before their faces would have been too dark, but with a light, I was able to illuminate the face without having to overexpose the background. It also gave me the freedom to create more dramatic lighting for my national park portraits.

When capturing national park portraits, you don’t need to have a lot of props. Even the simple things that you have on your person can create their own story. With one of my models, just a simple pair of sunglasses were able to add more drama to one of my photos.

If you are not so concerned about getting a cool collection of backdrops in your national park portraits, you can just give your attention to lighting. These amazing areas have so much to offer your portraits and can help you get some really amazing shots. One of my portraits didn’t have much of a background, but the area itself created amazing lighting for my subject.

Portraits can be so much fun, and it is always a blast to get to travel a little as you capture them. Go ahead and try it out for yourself. The next time you go and visit a national park, be sure to bring your camera. You never know how good of portraits you might be able to capture along the way.









If you are interested in finding more National Park Portraits, look here.

You can find more of my Portrait Photography here.

As always, thank you so much for looking into my content. I hope that it could both interest and inspire you as you continue on in your own endeavors.