After an adventure of learning more about photography, I have begun focussing more on discovering my own personal style – Photo Illustration. Photo Illustration is an enjoyable way to combine interests in photography and graphic design, yet it requires much preparation. The path toward getting the amazing results that photo illustration can produce requires a lot of dedication.
In preparation for this final photography project, I have decided to create around 13 separate Photo Illustration pieces. Of the 13 pieces I create, 09 will cover the advanced edits necessary to make a photograph look like a painted portrait. The remaining 04 pieces will cover more of a mixed media style of editing where you combine both digital illustration and photography. I expect this entire project to take me 30-40 hours to complete.
As a preparation for my Photo Illustration photography, I began taking photographs that I could use in my advanced edits. In the end, I attended several different photoshoots to capture all the necessary photographs I would need for this project. Below are some of the photographs I managed to capture during these preparational photoshoots.
For my “advanced edits” styled photoshoot, I’d love to credit Aubrey Christiansen, Caryn Esplin, and Tiffany Savage for all of their incredible help. I had the amazing opportunity to work with all three in preparation for this project. As a team, we all played our part in finding models, preparing wardrobes, hosting photoshoots, and editing photographs. I acted as the photo editor for this project where I would convert the portraits to look more like paintings.
Once we have completed this project, these images will all be used in a new BYU – Idaho course titled, Women in the Scriptures. Each of these photographs will be used to represent women of the scriptures who have set amazing examples and played important roles in the founding of the church. After all the work and preparation I have put into this project, I decided to include it with my photo illustration photography.

In preparation for my mixed-media photo illustration photography, I had to set up a makeshift studio in my bedroom using a bedsheet and a lamp. I wanted a blank background that would be easier to remove during my final photo illustration edits.
In my photo illustration photography preparation, I wanted all of my photos to tie together. For this, I wanted only one model. I decided that it would be an interesting challenge to use only self-portraits and model for these photos myself. I thought it would be interesting to demonstrate a different feeling in each photograph. However, overall one mood would tie across them as a whole.
My inspiration came mostly from the natural forms of the body and how they can interpret different feelings that are easiest for us to understand. I used this in my photography by showing the skin of my torso. I then used different positions that would create the feeling that I was trying to convey. The intention was not to be more revealing but to more clearly convey the message I was trying to create.


If you are interested in finding more Photo Illustration Preparation Photography, look here.
You can find more of my Commercial Photography here.
As always, thank you so much for looking into my content. I hope that it could both interest and inspire you as you continue on in your own endeavors.